
    To grind

    • 1 rounded dessertspoon chilli flakes
    • 1/2 dessertspoon gochagoogoo powder
    • 3 headed teaspoons ginger paste
    • 8 garlic cloves
    • 1 small onion
    • 1 tin pineapple chunks

    To boil

    • 1 cup apple juice
    • 3 very large dessertspoon sugar with pectin
    • 1 or more cups white vinegar
    • Lots of salt to taste


    • Add all the 'to grind' Ingredients into a food processor and make a paste
    • Pour paste into saucepan and add 'to boil' Ingredients
    • Bring to a gentle boil and stir for 20 minutes
    • Add salt to taste and add more apple juice, sugar or vinegar to taste
    • Carefully boil for longer until the desired thickness achieved. This isn't intended as a sweet chilli jam so a thick pouring sauce is good.