

  • 2 rounded tablespoons cranberry sauce
  • zest and juice ½ orange
  • zest and juice ½ small lemon
  • 1 rounded teaspoon freshly grated root ginger (about 1 inch/2.5 cm cube, after peeling)
  • 1 level teaspoon mustard powder
  • 3 tablespoons port


  • Take off the outer zest of half the orange and lemon using a potato peeler, then with a sharp knife shred it into really fine strips, about ½ inch (1cm) long.
  • Then place the cranberry sauce, ginger and mustard in a saucepan, add the squeezed orange and lemon juice, and place over a medium heat.
  • Now bring it up to simmering point, whisking well to combine everything together, then as soon as it begins to simmer turn the heat off, stir in the port and then pour it into a jug to keep till needed.

Category: Venison
Hits: 1472